Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pony Camp

Monday was the first day of Pony Camp (I of course forgot my camera). They started out by learning how to groom the horses and put the blanket and saddle on. Then they got on and learned the basics... how to hold the reins, how to go, how to stop. They did some more lessons in the arena and then went for a quick trail ride. Gallie had a lot of fun and didn't want to leave her pony, Blaze. He was the biggest pony and she was the youngest girl, but she did pretty good!

Today (Tuesday) they learned to trot (which Gallie loved!), back up, and go around cones. After a really long trail ride we were ready for lunch. At the end of the day the kids got to ride bare back. I thought we were going to have a melt down when she had to get off, but I reassured her we would be back tomorrow and she could bring a treat for Blaze.

Over the weekend...

Played an exciting game of Pretty, Pretty Princess. Caleb came in a close 2nd!
Caleb turned 29! Happy B-day! He got nothing on his actual b-day from me because his graduation present was also incorporated into his birthday, father's day, and any other event for the next 2 years. He did get a very nice gift of Lincoln Logs from Gallie!

We celebrated later that night with friends, including Caleb's twin brother (being kissed)(his b-day also) who we haven't seen in a year.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Library via Bus

I've been trying to come up with different (and budget friendly!) things Callie and I can do on Wednesdays. Yesterday we took the city bus downtown to the Library. I had a free pass and Callie was free so we were off to a good start! This was her first time on any bus and it was pretty exciting - she chose to sit in the very back.

At the library we checked out 3 new books (one of course being Lion King - her new fav). She ate her snack in her stroller and we walked up to Great Harvest to stock up on bread. I got a free slice for my snack, which was delish :)

We walked back to the downtown bus stop. I scored another free bus pass when we were at the library, so our total trip was $0.00! Plus Gallie did something new she's never done before!

Fun day!!!