Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jump Around, Plus T-shirt Nightgown #3!

Today we were planning on going to do some outdoor swimming, but the weather wasn't great. So instead we did some indoor jumping!

Gallie (obviously!) had a ton of fun and was acting like a crazy girl running around from jump house to jump house singing Lion King songs. Lily was a little more lax :)
Here is the 3rd hand-me-down night gown!A suprise from Daddy!Gallie got ahold of the camera and was making us do photo shoots... Caleb says she is going to be a director. I think she is going to be a cast member of Lion King the musical!

Had a great Wednesday as usual!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

There's Nothing Funny....

About a One Eyed Bunny! Another shirt-turned-nightgown. Even the princess nightgowns are being dismissed!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Over the weekend...

Friday night started with dinner at Red Robin Hood!
After dinner we had some friends over for puzzle night. You would think 6 adults could get more than this done in 3 hours! Gallie got to stay up late and watch a movie on the couch. We all had a really good time.
Don't worry, Caleb and I finished it. We stayed up late all weekend working on it and watching season 1 of Mad Men. Pretty good so far...
Saturday moring we were rushed out of the house by 10:00 to go blueberry picking (we didn't get up until after 9:00 so don't feel too bad for us!). We picked another 11 lbs!
After that we went home, packed a lunch, and dropped Callie off at college orientation.
Just kidding! We decided to picnic at Western and show her around our old "big school." It was actually really fun and there was a lot to do and see for a 3 year old.Sunday was kind of a lazy day... slept in, did some playing, ate some lunch. Caleb had to work for a couple hours, so Callie and I went to Molly's for the afternoon and walked around her neighborhood and stopped for a treat. Cody showed up for awhile too.
Another really good weekend! Caleb has a guys weekend planned for next weekend so I need to think of something really good for me and Gallie to do to make him jealous!
By the way... my mom went to her 40th class reunion this weekend! Molly and I got her a new outfit to wear - looks pretty good, doesn't it?!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

I Love Jamaica

This awesome shirt is on its 3rd generation! My mom got it in Jamaica when I was a baby and gave it to me a few years back - I wear it ALL the time! It has now been passed to Gallie as a night shirt. It is in suprisingly good shape for being 25 years old!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What will Callie be when she grows up???

A Park Ranger???

An Aeronautical Engineer???

A Performance Artist???
An Architect???
A Doctor of Words, like her uncle???
(This says I love my cat.)
I guess we'll have to wait and see!!!
This afternoon we went to the children's museum. We were there for 2 hours and the time flew by - We had fun! Here's what else we did (in backwards order):

Threw some dimes in the fountain (didn't have any pennies - shoot!)
Ate "treat lunch"... my fav. when I was a kid.
Checked out some new books at the Library - came home with 7 instead of the usual 5!
Watched a little Clifford while I got dressed.
By the way... here is one thing that became of the blueberries we picked last weekend - Blueberry scones and lemon curd. My mom's friend from highschool gave me these recipes like 10 years ago and they are sooooo good! Molly stayed Monday night because Caleb was out of town shooting a wedding - we started baking at 11:00 pm - I need to stop doing things like this that keep me from sleep. They were very delicious and worth it the next morning, though!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gallie loves picking them, just wish she would eat them!

Grandma D'j and Cana came up to help! We also drove around and looked at a few houses (one of my fav. things to do - Gallie loves it too!)

After Diane treated us to dinner (Thai!), we played lion king - basically a theatrical reenactment of the entire movie. We went for a nice evening walk after bath and Gallie fell asleep in her stroller. We had a really nice weekend.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Garage Sale

Yesterday started with an early daddy breakfast at "Pankcake's House" (AKA IHOP). I was at work, but they did stop in to say hi! By the way... this is where we usually go to dinner every 3rd week when it's Callie's turn to pick where we eat - we finally got her to switch it up the other weekend by telling her Red Robin was called Red Robin Hood :)

Callie, Molly, and I stayed the night at my mom & dad's to get ready for the garage sale. After stuffing ourselves with BBQ ribs, we worked outside setting up the sale until dark. I was pretty tired to begin with from going into work early, but for some reason Molly and I decided we had to finish this puzzle (Gallie had started it earlier) and stayed up well passed midnight until it was done.

Today was the garage sale - Callie had a little bake sale to earn money for a Cinderella toy she has been wanting. She had a nice variety of cookies, granola, fruit leathers, licorice, gogurt, grapes, and juice.

She made enough money! We will be going to Target tomorrow to make the purchase!!!
Work'n the sale.It was fairly warm, so Callie and I skipped out on the last few hours and went down the street to the water park. We went on the kiddie slides a few times, but spent most of the time on the Snake, Corkscrew, and other big slides. (The girl loves rides!) We had a really, really fun time!

After we got home and bathed it was already kind of late, so we thought why not pull out the couch and watch a movie? This is what Callie thought of that idea!

Caleb got home just in time! And this is what he thought of watching 101 Dalmations over a French Noir film or whatever those snobby movie people watch!

One last thing... we bought a carton of eggs today and this is what we found when we opened it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today Callie and I finally made it down to the zoo - I love having Wednesdays off - it wasn't crowded at all! And the weather was perfect! All the animals were out and we got a close up look at everything - we had a great time!

We made it home around 4:00 - we had a nice summer dinner (wish we could eat outside, but our patio is SO hot in the evenings!) - White fish with black bean and corn relish (for me and Caleb), corn on the cob (rolled in butter for Gallie), sliced cucumber, and pasta salad. When Gallie finishes all her dinner, we allow her to eat more out of the pot - she thinks it's funny :)

After dinner we went for a bike ride, had bath time, then went for a drive. It was an all-around good day!